Belinda wrote.......
"Has anyone thought any thought about what has to be happening at ICG? They must be ROTFL at the way they're affecting this club"
I doubt that Belinda, I'm sure they never expected this type of stand from such a small group. The last thing they are doing is laughing. You also have to understand that I have quite a few E-Mails from people that not only say they want on the list, but that they left coin collecting or baseball card collecting because of slabbing. I KNOW it might not look good for "prospective members" as you say. Then again, it does not look good for the members we already have that are dead set against slabbing. I'm not just talking about people who have been in the Club for sometime, there are quite a few newcomers on the list. Keep in mind I'm not trying to pick apart your post. I'm glad to see you post at anytime! I just wanted to make a few points.........
Andy - Las Vegas