Clarity and Vision.
I agree that some civility and rationality are needed, but I can only hope.
I appoint my self as the pro-slabbing wipping boy. Not because I am in favor of slabbing, but because if we are to educate the membership and obtain the necessary facts to prevail, someone has to argue the other side.
Just to be clear, I do not own any slabbed chips, I dont even know who this company is that wants to slabb the chips, and I cant even figure out which of us is going to buy these chips once they are slabbed, but I do not think trying to Ban them from club functions is going to do the trick. I think educating members and potential members is the key. Keeping them out of the convention gives them exactly what they want. They can then say that the inner circle of the club, with all of there chips, is afraid of us slabbers, they must be hiding something.
Wouldn't it be better to have them come to the convention, educate our members to the purely wastfull exercise that slabbing is, offer the same chips at better prices, and watch them wilt on the vine. I do not think thy will go away until we can prove to them that there service lacks demand. Excluding them gives them the hope that the demand exists, but that we want to keep them out for some fear of loosing control of our hobby.
I think it was Nancy Regan who said "Just Say No". I think we are all adult enough to do the same when offered to buy a slabbed chip.