Anyway, I have an unlimited supply available at
$1.00 each.
All I ask is that you please include a S.A.S.E. with
your payment.
Order one and get one free for a friend.
...and if you order now, you will receive at no
additional cost an uncoded, green-swirl, genuine
Catalin poker chip with a white --> (-) on one side.
The "TSL" chips are in new condition; right out of
their boxes and boxes and boxes and more boxes.
This is the famous chip that was featured at the
1999 Blast From The Past Show that were all over my
table (under my table; on the floor and on the
hallway floor) that were selling like hot cakes
where I couldn't gift wrap them fast enough as
people waited in long lines to purchase one.
John Benedict
PO Drawer 1423
Loxahatchee FL 33470