Hey Duke.... You forgot to mention John Benedict! I'm serious! John isn't in favor of slabbing chips either (at least that's what I THINK he's told us.) He doesn't think it's good for the hobby either (I THINK that's what he said). John just doesn't believe they should be banned at our convention or in our magazine (I THINK that's his position). (I'm sure John will correct me if I'm wrong ... again)
So, if we add up all the totals on Greg's poll, those who are opposed to sales of slabbed chips at our conventions; those who are opposed to slabbed chips in our auctions, those who are opposed to slabbed chips being advertised for sale in our club magazine; and ALSO those who are simply flat-out opposed to slabbed chips, but don't want to do anything about it (except object) .... why, it just occured to me, that there are one hell of a lot of people who do NOT support slabbing, PERIOD! ICG ought to take those numbers into consideration when it crunches their own market research figures. Just maybe the numbers aren't as favorable as they THINK they are?
I wonder why do some just quote one section of polling data or another and not multiple categories lumped together?
Just like sex; whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is another matter ...... slab away!