Jim: What happens if at the convention this year, a customer walks in off of the street with 5 or 6 slabbed chips.
How are you going to handle telling that customer that they are not allowed to bring those chips into the convention to sell them to a dealer or to find out the value of those said chips. If the club bans such items from it's venues.
Maybe somewhere i'm missing the point - But I don't beleive so.
I wholeheartedly agree with what you are saying. But I still think that it needs to be left up to the individual.
I really don't see a lot of the membership going in on these items.
yeah maybe you have a $1000 chip that was purchased at last years auction and you want to insure it's value for years to come and have it slabbed. But I don't believe that any of the members will do this.
There is the market for this in coins and cards - but I don't beleive there is the market in chips.
I still think that the club really needs to work on education for this subject - the way to do it would be contacting a large number of dealers that might have an interest in working with ICG.
I think what the club should look into is what dearlers are carrying ICG slabs and let them know that there will not be a market in this product.
And again the point I made was that I would buy a chip if I needed it and I more then likely would remove it from it's slab.
I really cannot believe anyone here if they tell me that they would pass on a really good chip if it were offered to them at a reasonable price because it was in a slab.
Thank You
Peter Gaby