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The Chip Board Archive 04

I confee - I am an attributor

Don't worry, I will only be attibuting crest and seals. You may resist slabbing at first but let tell you of some of the benefits. NO more UFCs. Since I'm now the expert, I'll attribute every chip that is slabbed. Additionally, I'll give population counts. These two items alone should increase the value of everyone's chips. Needless to say, I'm open to bribes (remember I will also be grading the chip).

Let me give an example. The scanned chip, heretofore, was an unknown. In my new capacity as attibutor and can now safely attribute this chip to the "Afro-americam White Boys club" or AWB. Population is 400, no make that 40, no make that 4. That's it! There are only 4 of this chip. See, once you get it slabbed by me, you can now make a fortune on this chip. Afterall, what did P.T. Barnum allegedly say? (ggg)

Lastly for John Benedict, I can affirm (for a slabbing fee of course) that the Pal's Club was from Reno (unless you want Vegas, let me know). We can negotiate the population count.

Messages In This Thread

I confee - I am an attributor
Make that I confess (eom)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg