Just last week when I cut myself with the kitchen knife - if it did not slab - it could have got infected.
Wounds need to slab in order to heal. I am no doctor - but I would play one on TV if necessary.
Seriously - slabbing is here and will continue to be - only because people will let it happen and buy into it.
If I was offered a slabbed chip - I would tell them to cram it in their slabhole.
But that's just the kinda sweet guy I am!
I don't really collect chips for the investment or what it will be worth years from now. I collect them because I like them and enjoy this fine hobby.
My chips are in "good" condition and that's just fine with me!
I don't need or use anyone's grading system but Pete Rizzo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening to this lurker!