Greg, I would really rather wait until tomorrow to e-mail you as I don't want to infect you, if in fact, I am infected.
Gene, to the contrary, I'm glad you posted the notice regarding the problem you had with my e-mail. I sure as heck don't want anyone to catch my cold. I am having trouble sending e-mails directly. I must first save it in the file marked "send later", and then it will transmit. I will be checking with my server tomorrow to find out if this is a virus or what. In any case, I am still holding off any e-mails to anyone until I find out what this is all about.
And Tommy, I especially want to thank you as well as Gene for trying to help me out in this problem. But I am such a novice, that some of the basic instructions you are both giving me are still way over my head. And I don't want to take your precious time for you to go into more detail.
On a related matter, even though I know of no relationship between my e-amil and my scanner, it to is on the blink. Says I am making an illegal operation of some sort.
I should be up and running shortly (I hope)