Do you support the proposal?
It puts forth an interesting idea. In banning the sale of slabbed chips at club sponsored events, you create a weird situation.
Since the primary club sponsored event is the convention, thats the only event I will discuss.
The majority of buyers at the conevention and all of the sellers are club members. If the club members as a whole don't want chips slabbed they will neither buy nor sell slabbed chips.
So if you ban the sale of slabbed chips, you do one of two things:
1) If most buyers and sellers refuse to slab chips or buy slabbed chips, you needlessly create a ban with all the associated problems of enforcement. or
2) If most chippers and sellers wish to slab chips and buy slabbed chips, you create a policy which does not have the support of the members, and this will not last long.
From my perspective, slabbing will have little effect on my collection since it would be economically unfeasible to slab most of the chips I collect. The vast majority of my chips cost less than what you suggest the cost of slabbing would be.
I think that most of the high end collectors, who this would impact, are capable of making their decisions and don't need the club to dictate this policy.
It would seem to me that rather than ban slabbing you would be better off educating club members on why it is that you believe slabbing is bad for the hobby. Perhaps someone should consider writing something for the club magazine or some sort of discussion at the convention.