Slabbing in the coin and token world adds about $10 to the cost of an item even before you add the extra that every dealer places on his coin. As a Currency (Paper Money)Collector along with my casino collection I was in on the ground floor of the slabbing of currency and wow what it has done to the cost of the paper money. I have not and will not buy, sell or trade for slabbed coins, currency, Casino chips or any other items that GREED has entered into the cost. Yes we all try to include the best we can find to place in our collections but the cost factor must be taken into concideration.
It all started with one person trying to justify selling one coin for higher than his neighbor with an identical coin. Each would say theirs was a little better than his friends, so a third party was asked to grade the two coins. Now the dealer with the coin which was just a ever so slight up grade could charge more.
I try to sell or trade all my chips as used even if they are not. Evey once and a while a collector will get extra fussy and insist that he only buys uncirculated, mint chips or tokens. This person does this because he wants to tell averyone else that his is better than theirs, and of course worth more. Most of us as collectors are trying to get at least one of every chip known. Most of us have limited our collections to one area such as $1.00 chips or Nevada only. But most of us are happy with what we have and do not need to have some third party telling us our collection just isn't good enough.... Brian R-2892