... for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
-- attributed to Edmund Burke
Our club may not be able to speak for those participants in the hobby who are not members. But, we are arguably the most important organization in the hobby, at least as far as collectors are concerned. Our hobby will not STAY strong if the leadership of the club stands by and does nothing in the face of obviously detrimental events.
I see the issue of slabbing and that of a detailed grading system as interrelated. And I think the club should resist both. To that end, I think the club should make it formally clear that the "marketing tool" of the word "official" does not imply sanctioning by the club, that the club does not endorse any formal grading system and that the club opposes the slabbing of chips. If we can do those things by way of a resolution, we should. If some other action of the board is necessary, we should take that action.
----- jim o\-S