Hi All,
As we are now in the holiday season and quickly approaching the end of the year 2000 and the 20th Century, I thought it would be appropriate for us to each take a moment of silence for the many chippers and friends that we lost in the past year. It seems that we lost many more than ever before. This may be a function of the larger size of the group that we have, but it is very sad.
On the other hand, we should have a cheer for some lucky chippers (myself included) that have had a brush with the grim reaper and are very happy to still be here.
Best of all is a big HURRAH! for the luckiest chippers that have been the most fortunate to have had additions to their families in the past year. Not only is the year 2000, but this is also the Golden Dragon year of the Chinese calendar, which happens only every 60 or so years.