I agree with all sides. The best we can hope for right now is that the casino's don't keep making and making. The coin's, stamps, baseball cards, pokemon, all are more commercial, yes more even on the newer coins and stamps. They make more of those than the casino's have of the chip's. I believe the highest "LE" is about 50,000. Considerably lower than the lowest issue on coins or stamps now by the "issueing" "company". The standard issue's, ie table chips, are high production and even some people on the board have gone as far as asking about "error" chips from the end of run's where the inks get low. As far as I am concerned they are nothing more than low grade, end run chips and don't deserve to be called error's. We all want to get the most for what we have and that's OK. I started to give away baseball cards at the flea market and then found "kids" who would take them for their fathers who would then turn around and sell them. The hoarders in the baseball market bought ton's of boxes of baseball cards in the 80's and then "set" pricing much like some of the chips today because they were the only one's to have them, made their money and collasped the market afterwards. The slabbers of the baseball market regrade the same as Archie said about the Coins. I could go on and on, but let's keep the collecting simple, not "bas----ize" it like the rest and collect because we like it and enjoy it!!! Grading has it's place, but let's keep it in the school's!!!
And I will offer 15% on the dollar if anyone is "selling" out!!! ;-)