I recently picked these up at a flea market. They are an interesting selection of tokens. Some of them are self explanatory, but others are hard to read.
In the first row the small token says: Four Queens, Las Vegas Nevada Not Legal Tender No Cash Value; the reverse says: FREE PLAY NO CASH VALUE.
Does anyone know why the different colors on the 4 Queens Reel Winner Tokens?
The other side of Snick's Place says: DOMESTIC BEER. I has the dragon mold.
The reverse of the Maim's says: Goof for one drink at our bar-Gratuity not included.
The Frontier token is lightweight; feels like aluminum. The reverse says: BLACKJACKS (PLURAL WITH NO APOSTROPHE). Free room with the phone number
The reverse of the Rosie O'Grady's Main Street says: GOOD FOR ONE FREE BEER.
The Sahara an the Casino Royale are both the same weight as the Frontier. The Sahara says Token for free slot play. The reverse of Casino Royale says DOLLAR SLOTS BLACKJACKS FREE ROOM. No cash value.
Do any of these ahve any value other than just as a collectible? Thanks for any info.