While your ideas of guidelines make a lot of sense, it would be difficult to enforce such a list especially on a non-member. Instead of making requirements, how about education the sellers. Many of them may not even realize the problems they cause with special shipping and packaging methods and charges. They may not know about the bids that are never made because their shipping rates are out of line.
An article in the club magazine would reach our members. Explain shipping methods and reasons to use or not use. Cover reasonable costs (Priority mail for 1 chip). Mention the possible lost bids because buyers won't spend an exobitant amount for postage.
John Yee could probably provide an electronic copy of the article for any member to e-mail to an offending seller.
Make changes thru education and explanation. You've covered some good points, now they just need to reach the right people.
I'd be glad to help anywhere I can. I know how you feel as I've resisted bidding on several items because of the sellers shipping costs and methods.