Hi Bob,
You're right, unemployment is low, but under employment is high. There are people out there working 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet. You say "The jobs that are being done overseas are jobs that Americans don't want to do, period!" I disagree, the jobs that are being moved overseas are good manufacturing jobs that paid a decent family wage. What it boils down to is over here, it cost the company $12 an hour & overseas they can get it done for .10 cents an hour. If that job is your job & it puts food on your table, a roof over your families head, & clothes on your kids backs, it is a very important job. Ask the folks who are out of a job if they wanted to do it or not.
All in a time when the earnings of the upper echelon of America's corporations are swelling to record levels. I'm not trying to demonize these CEOs, I'm just saying we're leaving some of the working folks behind. That is why there is still a need for unions.
You paint all unions & their leaders with kind of a wide brush. There are some who are crooked, but I would say that they are a minority. Mine is democratically elected by us & if they run astray, we throw the rascal out. We've done it twice now. Below is a link to an article that was in my newspaper this morning that spells it out.
Have a nice day!