Hello chippers,
I am running more chips than usual on ebay right now. I have it up & running myself now.! My Mother still is handling her share. I have moved & now have more free time- to work on more chips! So check me out at jvcinsb. JVC are my initials, insb is in Santa Barbara. Where I am now living. email is same as above but add @home.com. It is awesome having cable hookup & high speed! Surfing & buying is more fun & addicting now. Research is constantly being done for the 3rd edition book too. I do lots of chip tracking. I am finding out that not a lot of good chips are for sale on ebay. (Generally the better chips aren't for sale much anywhere). Better chips are bringing more money on ebay than they have in the past. It used to be about half of normal show price but they are bringing more now as so many lookers & bidders. It's great you don't have to wait for a show! Of course getting to know people at the shows is the best way to make friends with the other collectors.
We are definetely getting new collectors in all the time. I have 2 lots of cheaper chips doing remarkably well. I doubt anything will top the orange Sands $1 that 2 guys got into a grudge match over & are continuing their bidding on others chips. My Sands blue brought $100 & another collector/dealers went to $113 Another before mine went to $192! Everyone is now running Sands. Many still sell at $20 right now though.d
I am also collecting & buying pottery marked "Desert Sands" on ebay, in hopes to do a book on it soon. This was made since the 1940's to about 10 years ago in Boulder City Nevada. It is highly glazed & most are 5 to 7 different desert colors swirled together. Most are smaller vases 3 to 6 in. or tumblers, etc. They made it in Barstow, CA. as well. Just in case anyone out there deals or collects anything besides chips & may have some for sale. I still collect lots of things! I have many chips for sale right now so I can keep up with all my collecting addictions.
James Campiglia, author of "The Official U.S.Casino Chip Price Guide"
PS) If you dont have your 2nd edition I just ordered 80 more as ran out of nearly 200 already! Just $29.95 plus $4 priority shipping.