Okay everyone.
Now i have a little bit more time on my hand.
I was thinking if we don't have a superbowl show
it be like takeing a step backwards for out hobby.
And i don't want that to happen.
So I will try to but on a superbowl show.
I need 2 things in order to do that.
1. I will have to find a decent showroom. If anybody has any leads please let me know.
2. I need dealers to commit to buy tables. I have to sell about 30 tables to cover costs and do good advertising. One thing that would be different about my show it will be advertised in all the newspapers. I want to spend about $1000 to $1500 on advertising which no other show ever did i believe. That is close to what i spend on the convention ad.
I already have 2 dealers comited to 2 tables a piece. I need 26 more.
Now i need to know who would be willing to set up. Email me at Rene@vegaschips.com If i can get enought interest I will pursue too do this.
Best Regards