... which JB posted in response to this message disappeared before I had a chance to respond to it.
I assume you deleted it, John, though I'm not sure why. It was a perfectly good list (albeit wildly incomplete -- you have no idea how many things there are that I don't know).
As for those you mentioned:
>> Jim Reilly doesn't know this stuff, Gene. He's never
>> seen "cases" of boxed blank molds from B.C.Wills.
No, I haven't. But, as I said in my other message tonight on this subject, unless those blanks were used to produce chips that looked exactly like real chips issued by real casinos, use of those blanks to produce fake "chips" would not be covered by the HPA anyway.
>> He's never seen Sm-Key sample blanks with types of
>> inserts unknown on any Nevada chip.
Ah, right again. But, if they were used to produce chips which purported to be from Nevada, but contained inserts "unknown" on any REAL Nevada chip, the HPA WOULD NOT APPLY.
>> He's never seen the crap stockpiled from Mason & Co.
Three strikes and I'm out. But, see my comment to strike one again. Unless this "crap" was made into chips which looked like real ones, the HPA would not apply to their use.
>> He doesn't know what it is like to open a packet and find new,
>> unused HUB mold chips with discarded (out of register) inlays
>> glued in place to look like original $25 Fremont Hotel chips.
Right again. Now, this one MIGHT be covered by the HPA IF the hub mold chips involved were green with three maroon inserts and IF the inlays were real Fremont inlays or made to look exactly like the real ones.
>> He doesn't know what it's like when "creeps" call John Benedict asking for
>> him to go down to the Paulson retail store in Hollywood, FL, -- when it was
>> operational -- to pick up FAKE Foxy's Firehouse chips for resale.
Once more, you're right, I don't know what it's like. And, I don't know the whole story on the FAKE Foxy's Firehouse chips. But, if I'm reading TCR correctly, the imitation Foxy's Firehouse chips were all in denominations that were never issued by the real casino. Hence, the HPA would NOT apply to their production or sale.
>> He doesn't know what it is to see a van parked at the
>> Thunderbird Swap Shop in Sunrise, FL, packed full of
>> the Borland "cases" of "beige" NEVADA mold blanks.
Never been to Sunrise, Florida and have never seen cases of Borland blanks, so you're right again. But, their mere existence isn't covered by the HPA and use of them to make "fakes" would only be covered by the HPA if the fakes reproduced real casino chips issued in the same colors with Nevada molds and otherwise matched the real inserts (if any) and real inlays.
>> He doesn't know of those who receive phone calls that molds are available.
Right again. But, once again, the mere availability of the molds wouldn't be covered by the HPA, either.
>> He doesn't know of the die-cut metal inlays that are about.
Right once more. But, unless they are used to reproduce real die-cut metal inlay chips of exactly the same design, the HPA would not apply.
>> He doesn't know a lot of things.....
Right again. And your list doesn't even begin to cover what I don't know about chips, much less other, more important stuff. About which I'd probably be better off learning, rather than beating my brains out over a piece of legislation that most likely has never actually been used in court to prevent a fraud involving casino chips. ----- jim o\-S