... Mike. I have five negatives -- three from this seller and two from "Bookdealer", who gave them as retaliation for two negs I gave him over a fraudulent ad (in the days when feedback wasn't necessarily tied to a transaction).
I have eight neutrals; five were positives, but the sellers are no longer registered so they turned into neutrals; one is from the seller in the case under discussion (he gave me three negs and a neutral; not sure why); the other two I posted myself in response to "bookdealer's" negatives (in those days, that was the only way to reply to feedback and you couldn't give yourself a positive).
BTW, though it is not acknowledged anywhere in the feedback I got over this transaction, I paid IN FULL. I think this guy intentionally withheld giving me positive feedback because he was afraid I would give him negatives.
----- jim o\-S