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The Chip Board Archive 03

Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bob?

Just curious if the fuel protests in Europe are causing Bob in Belgium any problems? I see protesters in Belgium are threatening to follow the example of France and Britain. If the prices keep going up in the U.S. we may get our own protests here I imagine.

Messages In This Thread

Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re: Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bo
Re: Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bo
Speaking of Houston,When will they start drilling
Speaking of Houston,When will they start drilling
Re: Are the Fuel Prices Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re: Are the Fuel Prices Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re: Are the Fuel Prices Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re Home Heating Oil To Go To $2.00 Gal.

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