The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 03


Rules will be posted in RR

1. Jim Follis
2. Wayne Thompson
3. Don Covello
4. Chuck Nelson
Sent back to the General
5. Chris Stranghalis
6. Ron Leis
7. Kyle Gorman
8. Harold Sauer
Back home to the General

I took the 1st 7 emails in order, had many many more, but have to limit to a small number. If this all goes well, I will do another one, WITH ALL DIFFERENT names.... I will have 4 chips from NEW Suncoast, please only take 1 chip, so the first 4 can each get one, anything else take what you want. Also I hope the FQs have there new rack out so I can include those also.

RR will be mailed to Jim Follis in about a week..........

Chuck, LV
The General

Copyright 2022 David Spragg