Hi Bob,
I do have a feel for why our VP doesn't post to the BB's. Ken told me last year that he is basically internet illiterate. He has no problem using email (see Robert Eisenstadt's post, and ain't it ironic that Ken was the only officer to respond to Robert's email proposal), but beyond that, his family and employees take care of his website and other internet-related activity. Also, Ken wasn't elected to his position, so he couldn't run for re-election. He may run to serve another term at the position he was appointed to, but that remains to be seen. I'll make a point of getting together with him and show him just how easy it is to access the BB's and post to them. I should have done so earlier, because he is a friend of mine, and I don't like seeing disparaging remarks (intentional or unitentional) made about him.
...sometimes new technology scares people, or they don't think getting it and learning how to use it would really be worth the time or money. Look how long it took for Archie to get online. I'm on my third laptop computer, have had a DSS dish for three years, use a GPS satellite system when traveling in a new area, but just only this week got my first cell phone. ....and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use it! <G>