...in continuing to build the club so all will
benefit by marching in a forward direction while
also thinking in favor of the club purchasing and
controlling historical manufacturers' records and
documents of agreed educational value to further our
learning process. Please reconsider your previous
thoughts and weigh the facts both pro and con (of
which there is very little "factual" opposition. Give us your positive thinking, Archie. Give us your positive suggestions, please.
You stated earlier that you stand by Jim Perlowski's
thinking on the issues at hand (a simple error); you've made negative
comments to Robert Eisenstadt's excellent ideas on
how to increase the exposure of the club at very
little additional costs [eBay] along with raising
money for the club (a not too simple error). Please see Jim Reilly's
response to the "non-factual" Jim Perlowski
post....and I, too, ask you to convince us that this
positive thinking of Jim Reilly's campaign is not in
general interest for the entite membership. Come
join the "real team!!!" You did endorse, Jim
Reilly, did you not, Atchie? So, let's stand
behind him 100%.
Jim Reilly for president.