Our $5.00 Indian Casino is on it's way, Priority Mail Insured.
There are 10 collectors in this RR.
Started with 30 chips, a nice mixture.
The following is the order of collectors.
Dick Brach <Cabodick@aol.com>
John Long <jhlmkl@earthlink.net>
John Zoesch <chipnut@prodigy.net>,
Norm Botoshe <jdubs19@IDT.NET>,
Doug Mckenzie <amckenzi@accd.edu>,
Ron Leis <RLEIS@webtv.net>,
Mark Menke <mtcollectible@worldnet.att.net>,
Doug Cundiff <cundiff@i-is.com>,
Jim Follis <gamingore@uswest.net>,
Michael Richter <lisgar@earthlink.net>
Thanks to ALL and hope you find some that you can use.
Toni and Clyde