Jim Kruse's chips of dreams is a wonderful idea.
I would consider the timing, given the current condition of the club, to be much in the future. I would think there are other more pressing and smaller scale ideas that should be worked on first.
It is easy to say you will throw in $100.00 or so, but what about actual doing?
This is evidenced by the number of volunteers for the Convention. I have been to only 2 Conventions, not this years, but I was a Volunteer each time. I heard that the setting up Convention tables this year was done by very few and "Supervised by a few."
How about shooting for a nice display case in the current Trop Museum as a display of the Club and see what kind of donations we get for that limited but tremendous exposure venture?
But then is it true that the musuem is going to close?
...and thats my 2 bits worth