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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: US Postal Service...
In Response To: US Postal Service... ()


I think your problem is localize to the mail carrier. Just like AllanA says its possible you have a new carrier. The best thing to do is to talk to the carrier in your street and find out his route. Sometimes they change the route instead of going A to B they reverse the order or haphazardly starts at the middle extremes.

Your problem is not that serious.Ours was more aggravating because with the same street numbers and name they were delivered to different zip code. It tooks months weeks for the post office to correct it. What I did I called up the owner of the mails delivered to my house it turned out that he got all my mails. We simply traded mails now and then until it return to normal. The culprit in my case was the post office when we change the zip code.

Take care I know the feeling especially if you are expecting chip deliveries from your traders.


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