I agree, Alex. I don't care who buys the records as long as club members
can get access to them by paying or trading chips for the I.D.'s. I am
well aware that Howard Herz, Bud Meyer and Dennis O'Neill of T.R. King,
have been most helpful in sharing their info for a small fee or trade.
KMW Publishing (Knapp, Myers & Wheelden) is also interested in purchasing
chip files and records. However, I hope that none of us pays the eccessive
price that has been floating around in the $10,000. range. I would hate
to see a precident started where that figure sounds reasonable. We are
thinking in a range more like $2000-3000, according to the size of the file.
Anyone who has records to sell will look for the highest price as in any
business deal. Any records or files that KMW is able to obtain will be
published in book form, available to all collectors.