John; Evidently my math is different from yours. $5.00 times possibly a generous estimate of 100 members who have strong interest in these records comes to only $500. I have read post from individuals who have pledged donations of $100 each into a kitty to ostensibly purchase these molds ... and I think that's the more reasonable approach to take. Bob Orme said it best, let those who will benefit or utilize this info, pay for it.
Tell you what John, I too will pledge $100 towards the purchase of these molds also. I object to a dues increase in order to pay for these records that less than a score of club members will benefit from.
A few more reasonable Questions:
Who is documenting or recording all these pledges? 2. Who is responsible for collecting the donations? 3. Who will give periodic reports of how this donation fund is progressing? 4. Maybe an all-out appeal to other club members who are not on-line to volunatarily contribute to this project is in order? Don't you think that it's time for someone in office to think about appointing a committee, or isn't that necessary since you claim it's a "done deal?"
I accept your suggestion and will be submitting a proposal in writing to the officers regarding an amendment to the club's Constitution regarding spending restrictions over $5000 for pet projects without approval from the membership (except for convention related expenses).