Hi Bob,
I think we should be looking at it a little differently. It is really more than one issue.
That is to say changing and enhancing, the way the Club is funded is one issue and does not necessarily have to be 'married' to an immediate expenditure on the other side. We can improve the Club's revenue base and put the Club in a position to consider more aggressive and larger projects.
If for example the current Board increased dues with the intent of spending for a specific project and a subsequent Board negates (for whatever reason) that project, would you refund the dues to those members who had paid it? No, the funds would stay in the Club's control until they were used for something else. (we are a non-profit organization so there is a limit to how much we can accumulate that is not earmarked for a project, but that's the Treasurer's problem <g>).
Which projects, buildings, buying and archiving records, education, Club promotion and growth will be decided after fact finding committees have done their work and by whatever Board is in office at that time. Some projects might actually need a referendum or a change in By-Laws. A few of the items that people are talking about acquiring will have to be treated as a target of opportunity when, and if, they become available in the marketplace.
So to me the issues are all separate. I think we do have to increase our income and turn things that are successful into things that are successful as well as profit centers. A prime example would be the CC&TN magazine. Great newsletter, better than any club our size that I've seen, soon to be greater through the efforts of John Yee & company. The newsletter should be able to return money to the Club.
The other issues will most likely require committees to investigate and gather the facts. The costs, the benefits, the ups and downs, the availability, and the time frame(s) involved. Decisions that will be made at that time within the constraints of presumably healthier Club coffers.
I am not recommending raising the dues just to raise the dues. Similarly I do not want to adopt a posture that says, "What is the least it can cost us, divide it up and that's the dues." I would like to grow the hobby and have the funds available to do that.
Sorry for the long post (geez, I hope you're still awake <g>).