A person owns records or anything else they set a price , records have been sold in the past possibly that was what the price would be based on.
I started this thread when I suggested that that was one of the things a dues increase could be used for. I did not start it with specific records in mind. I just know that from time to time records and even some of the old dies and molds used to produce the chips become available. Of course if we can get the owner to donate them that should be our first choice. Failing that it would be nice to have a surplus in the treasury so that we could purchase them if we choose to.
Now carry this a step further; should this be a decision of one person. NO
Can the membership vote everytime a purchase is proposed NO
This is something that the board of Directors or a standing historical/educational committee would vote on and decide.
This would probably take a bylaws change voted on by the membership, the bylaw change should also give guidelines on how much monies would be spent or what proportion of money set aside would be spent on any purchase.
This would probably require a committee and or a person to write and submit the bylaws change.
I would be willimng to serve on such a committee.
NON OF THIS WILL HAPPEN OVERNIGHT all of this is needed for the club to continue to grow.