Robert; Please keep in mind, that there are constantly new people visiting this bb for the first time, and what seems to be old hat subject (which to some of us has been discussed before) are new topics that new commers to this bb and to the hobby may not have read before.
Going back to the "old Prodigy days".... way before I came on-line.... I'm sure there were subjects discussed back then that have been aired over and over again more recently .... but there are probably many readers (possibly including yourself and me) on this bb who have not been privy to many of those discussions.
How many times has a newcomer asked, "what is the best way to clean chips?" The last thing he/she wants to hear is that, "we have discussed that subject already... enough is enough!"
If the title in the subject matter is all too familiar... one can always simply skip over it to more intersting topics.