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The Chip Board Archive 03

178 traders or start a new collection....

Yes, I put 178 slot cards on ebay. I think I have hundreds. These would be great for those who need traders for the RR, or the person who wants to start collecting slot cards. This card and key collecting was "HOT" in Las Vegas, and the little cards look like small pieces of art. So, I put 178 "different" slot cards on ebay to see what would happen. Check it out. I am sorry, I don't know how to put a link to them, but go to ebay, and look under slot cards. Yes Greg, I know you told me how to post a link, but I am doing good just to get here!!!!
Thank you, Pat Lamb

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178 traders or start a new collection....
Here is a link
Re: Here is a link
Re: 178 traders or start a new collection....

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