Thanks, Sweetie!
Just to confirm that your scanner captured the colors right, it's hot pink with brown edge inserts, yes?
Actually, we considered a shoulder strap this year, but rejected the idea. Several ideas we're studying for next year:
- put each NV city in a separate volume; that way, we can sell far more books!
- sell the book with a luggage cart: combined price $99.95
- sell the covers and some blank pages and let everyone put their own chips in
- sell the book in looseleaf form so everyone can carry around the pages s/he wants, leaving the others at home; bring your own binder or we'll supply several sizes with color covers for $10.95 each
- reduce the size of the print - no one will be able to read it, but the book will be smaller and easier to carry, and more will be in it!
- delete all chips not worth at least $200
- delete all chips worth more than $200
- just include the chips we like
- get the NV legislature to pass a law providing that no new chips can ever be issued, on the theory that there are plenty to go around if the casinos just reuse the ones that are out there already
We may come up with some more ideas, but so far that's about the extent of our brainstorming. Come to think of it, I feel a storm coming on right now!