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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Here is my Very Rare... I had to bid!

Hey Pete,
You know it is! Where did you find this one? One of those
old trailer parks? I never had this in my collection.
So I had to become the top bidder, at least for tonight. Have
the $5 like was auctioned at our convention. The $1 you have
up there should do good too. Years ago these were common
but you just dont see these anymore. I ebay'ed one a month
or so ago & got I think $76! One of the nicest chips I think
is the $1 with the Peace Dollar face. DO you have it? I have
a duplicate! What other good chips have you found lurking
around Vegas. Let me know whenever you put something good
on ebay I may need, I am always buying!

Messages In This Thread

Here is my Very Rare Las Vegas Chip Auction...
Re: Here is my Very Rare Las Vegas Chip Auction...
Re: Here is my Very Rare Las Vegas Chip Auction...
Thanks Allan & Archie! EOM
Re: Thanks Allan & Archie! EOM
Re: Here is my Very Rare... I had to bid!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg