At the convention I stopped at a booth to look for LV $1 chips. I looked at a $1 Riviera which looked like one that I needed. It had a price of $60 and the dealer was giving 10% off. I looked in my chip rack to identify it, never looking at the estimate. I asked him if it was V1430, showing him the book. When he saw the estimate, he went to show his "partner". They assured me it was the correct chip but they could not sell it to me at that price. He would sell it to me for $140 and if I did not take it, they were raising the price to $200. I bought it for $140. A few minutes later I thought about it and decided I did not like the way it went down. I returned to the booth and told him that I had changed my mind. He said all sales were final, since he was selling out his collection. He was adamant. When I returned home, I checked further and found out the chip was not what he claimed it was. It was N3991 which is estimated at $40-49.
Is there any recourse?