I am not sure when it was but in answer to a question by Katie, I posted scans of all the Borland chips I had researched. Some were known Boreland counterfits and fakes plus others, were ones I proved were counterfits. Katie is correct, there was some heated debates over them. Some chippers have chips, they do not want to be credited to Borland. Some have sold them as real chips, either knownly or unknownly. I had record searches done at BJ on the chips I posted.
Borland was good for the hobby in many ways but the evil he brought to us, far outweighs the good. I don't have time to type the full Borland story here. I might have some things saved and will look for them when I get home. Borland never had access to the NV and DiCd molds until early 90's. He spent weeks in his basement making chips just for "US".
The keys to NV or DiCd mold Borland chips are, the casino closed before 1990 and BJ has no record of making them. Any NV or DiCd mold chips from a casino closing pre 1965 are Borland chips.
Borland did make some real chips for casinos. It becomes very complicated some times. A friend recently found NV mold chips. I proved they were not made at BJ but am 100% sure they are real chips. If the Borland name gets hitched to them, they are worthless.
Lucky NV Club may or may not have existed per Allan. It may have been or may not have been the NV Club. We may never know. If Henry Fuller did not list it as having a license, IMO opinion it is doubtful it existed. BUT, I have found other clubs Henry did not have listed, such as the Sal Sagev. I bet those statements have you throughly confused. <g>
I will call my contact and see what he says about your chip. OR, would you prefer to leave it alone? You may not like the answer!
Jimbo knows as much about downtown as any chipper I know. Jump in here Jimbo.
Use the archives and see what you can pull up. Try key words "Borland" and "counterfits"