In response to the several points that have been brought up regarding
the Thunderbird chips.
First I would like to say I really dont think there are that many
unscrupulous dealers out there, as most dealers are also collectors.
Collectors know how it feels to be taken, rather on purpose or not.
Dealers on the other hand do too, but have a chance to recoup monies by
selling chips. I am first a collector who turned into both as many of
us have. The dealers only who don't collect I do not think appreciate
fellow collectors for our passion. Chips come out in hoards, prices
change daily. I think we all need to really know our dealers. If a customer
has a problem with anything they buy from me they know they can bring it back
in a reasonable amount of time for a credit, adjustment or refund. I had
to make nearly a $5,000 adjustment last year when those darn Horsehoe chips
came out. The only good thing about all those was that beginner collectors,
or collectors on a budget can now add some great chips to their collections
cheap! Not divulging the truth or only leting the halftruth be known is as
close to lying as possible. If a few chips were found & the price would not be
affected that is one thing but a hoard like this greatly reducing rarity
therefore the price & not being told by a dealer is totally unethical!
There's the dealer only problem & this is not the first time I have seen
this nor will it be the last. Many of us are now on our toes watching
for these problems. We are our own chip police.
As for the "authorities" answers I would sure like to hear more on that.
I guess writting a book & putting 15 years into the hobby doesn't qualify me
as an authority yet to the panel chosing the "experts". Experts, dealers, or
serious collectors? Maybe we need to seek out one of each for next years panel.
As for my information on our placing this in "The Official U.S. Casino
Chip Price Guide" as the 1st issue of the Thunderbird Las Vegas:
I have had this chip in my collection several years. It was unique for
years until a well known dealer, Steve Passalaqua, came up with a full
set for sale of the 5, 25, & 100. I dont know his source but believe he
had these for years. I have a set of drink glasses from the late 50's
showing a 5, 25, & 100 from 6 major strip casinos. On those glasses a
Thunderbird chip is shown but the 100 is written below the bird on the
marquee. Other chips drawn are inlaid chips. I have found other chips
which I knew existed from owning these glasses, such as the Sands Arodie
$5! The Desert Inn heart & dash mold etc. The drawings are near exact but only
stencilled in black & gold. Although all this adds up to be very convincing we never know 100% unless the magic words Las Vegas are actually stamped on the chip!
Maybe for a nominal fee we could get Rene to scratch on those magical words!
To make things a bit more intersting I have an old postcard somewhere of
the Thunderbird motel in Utah with our famous bird as their marquee! Maybe
a motel in Utah, which undoubtedtly didnt have gaming, could get away with it but I doubt a casino using their logo could have! I will try to find this card to scan for all to see later.
Plese send personally any response or if you put it on the board please let me know as I seldom have time to read it. Looks very interesting lately.
My book partner Steve Wells & I will be starting articles for our club
newsletter soon on the chip market. We will report on new finds, including
hoards, record prices, etc. We hope to get lots of response by others to
let us know what they are finding.
Regards, James Campiglia