Great post, Michael. What a great convention! This has been the hilight of my chipping "career." To meet so many people I have traded and emailed with was delightful. To name names would only leave someone out and take up space, but thanks to everyone who made me feel like a cherished member of a big happy family. Thanks to the dealers who believed that not every chip has to go for high Chip Rack. The seminars were all terrific, the trade session a blast, and the auction very entertaining. There was not enough time to see and do everything, and not enough sleep so by Saturday afternoon I was toast.
My special thanks to Wayne and Belinda. Putting on a show like that had to be a major chore, and you both did a terific job. I have no complaints, I heard no complaints, and you both were always there smiling, making everyone feel welcome, and making sure everything went smoothly. I just can't thank you enough.