The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 03

Let the clutter begin.... that we are slowly but surely returning home..the chipboard
should soon be filled anecdotal clutter...

So be forewarned....if you click on my's your own fault!


Speaking of clutter...<G>...I've been away from the board too long...
therefore, I'll probably "gorge" myself for the next few days...(oh,
who am I kidding?! It'll be a lot longer than a few days!) <G>

So...where do I begin?!

My first conv. was GREAT! I don't know when I've had a better time...
it was nonstop fun for was great meeting all of you that
I've corresponded with for a year now....and I must say..chippers
are a good looking bunch! All of you were younger than I had expected.
The wives of chippers that I met...all pretty!

I've got a few interesting stories for all of you....but I won't
overwhelm you with 100 posts tonight...<G>

Thanks all..for making my first conv. so great...


Messages In This Thread

Let the clutter begin....
Re: Ever See a "Cove" Chip?
Re: Hey!? That's a cool chip!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg