Hi Bob,
Unless the pieces you show have recently been
attributed to a casino, as far as I know we have no
idea as to where they are from or where they have
been used. All we do know, for sure, is that this
type of construction (filigreed overlay) was
produced between 1925 and 1930, for Sociéte des
Baines de Mer de Monaco. When I first joined the
club I learned that these pieces were being
pushed-off as being from Casino Elysé Palace de
Vichy because of the three small letters in the
filigree. We pretty much know what has been used at
the casino through the years....and thus far we know
it was not these. As I said (and it's documented in
Michael Knapp's column; by me), the attribution of
these pieces are unknown. Bob Hermans is probably going to ask a
mutual friend of ours, Marc-André Reynckens, who
also lives in Belgium and who also told me what I
just told you. The pieces are beautiful. That's
all I know.
I thought the wheel at Paris is thw same wheel that
was used at MGM.