"Self censorship"? That's putting it mildly.
I hear you, Jim. My remark regarding FREEDOM was broad, meaning that you, I, we, they....all have the right to voice our opinion. Nothing more, and nothing less. Don't you think it hurts many others to see that some of the top contributors to this hobby no longer post to this bb? Don't you think it hurts others to know there are many who visit this bb every day and do not utter a sound or answer the questions they are so qualified to answer because of what you speak? Don't you think that it hurts those who feel that some of these posters are doing what they are... --> deliberately, after such thoughts of yours are expressed? Don'y you think there are many others who no longer want to be part of this bb? That, my friend, hurts me.
P.S. I like, and agree, with you choice of vocabulary in getting you point across.