... on the issue of fraudulent chip sales; they won't do anything about them (I have written to Safe Harbor -- what a joke that name is -- several times without any satisfaction or even action on their part).
As a result, I gave up on eBay. I now frequently write directly to sellers about fraudulent, misleading or deceptive auction descriptions. If I do not get a satisfactory response from the sller, I have no qualms whatsoever about emailing the bidders directly to warn them. I have sent 100 or more such emails and have received many "thank you" notes from bidders who have, as a result of my contact, avoided being ripped off.
On a couple of occasions, as a result of seller complaints, eBay has threatened to excommunicate me. After I told them that I am a lawyer and know how to find both local courthouses and the offices of appropriate prosecuting authorities, nothing happened and I have heard nothing further from them.
I am prepared, if necessary, to mount both legal and publicity campaigns against eBay if they ever try to suspend me for warning bidders about fraudulent auction lots. ----- jim o\-S