Less than two weeks until the Convention. Here's the schedule again for those who missed it the first time around.
Wednesday - July 19th
12 Noon - Dealers may pick up credentials at the Convention Registration Table located outside the showroom. Proper identification is required to pick up credentials.
12 Noon - Dealer set up begins. Only dealers are allowed in during set up. Credentials are required for admittance.
12 Noon - Members may pick up badges at the Convention Registration Table. For faster registration, remember to bring your club membership card.
5:30 pm - Early Bird Reception - Members ONLY
7:00 pm - Member Swap Session - Please bring only what you can carry. Members Only
11:00 pm - Dealer set-up ends. Show floor closed until 7 am Thursday morning.
Thursday, July 20
7:00 am - Dealer set-up continues. Credentials required.
8:00 am - Cyberchippers Coffee. Sponsored by Unshredded Nostalgia/Jim Episale
(if you're here, we hope to see you there.)
8:30 am - Electronic Chipping Seminar - The Internet has had a huge impact on our hobby. Come find out what is in store for the future of chipping via the World Wide Web. Panelists include: Neal Silverman, Jim Reilly, Mike Ludwig, Tony Lewin(Casino Player Magazine), Alan Borenstein, Gene Trimble, Warwick Stone (Hard Rock) and Bee Estes (Chipco).
10:00 am - Grand Opening Ceremony
Convention Opens to the Membership
10:00 am - 4 pm - Registration for Poker Challenge
4:00 pm - Silver Strikers Chapter Meeting
6:00 pm - Show in recess until 10 am Friday morning.
6:30 pm - Club Business Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend.
8:00 pm (or shortly thereafter) 2nd Annual CC>CC Poker Challenge Members Only. Excalibur Hotel/Casino
Friday, July 21st
8:00 am - Dealers with credentials may enter show room.
8:30 am - Chipology 101 - A seminar for everyone. Michael Knapp and Dick Covington have put together a slide presentation to answer all of your questions about chips. Whether you're brand new to the hobby or not-so-new, this seminar will answer all of those nagging questions you have about chips.
10:00 am Show opens to the membership
5:00 pm Show in recess until 10 am Saturday morning.
6:30 pm Annual Club Auction - Over 250 lots to be auctioned. Pre-register at Bruce Landau's table on Thursday and Friday.
Saturday, July 22nd
8:00 am - Dealers with credentials may enter showroom.
8:30 am - Ask the Masters Educational Seminar. A panel of several well-known and most experienced collectors will lead the discussions during this seminar. One of the topics to be discussed is how do you or your heirs go about disposing of a collection. Other topics having to do with the hobby will also be discussed. The most important part of this seminar is that questions from the floor will be answered. Come join in and ask questions about inventorying a collection, books, specialization, chip valuation and the like. Whatever you'd like to ask is fair game. Michael Knapp will moderate this forum.
10:00 am - Show opens to the membership.
4:00 pm - Show closes.
6:00 pm - All dealer tables must be down and floor vacated.
7:00 pm - Last Dance Swap Session - Bring only what you can carry. Refreshments will be served. Members Only.