Bob Orme wrote...
""""""""...Steve. Don't stop now!
I don't know how long a public flogging should last given how some of you have prolonged it, but this public flogging is unprecedented in its length and rancor. ....and has been very one sided....""""""
YOU 'DA MAN!!!!!
Thanks for the reminder!!
I had forgotten the vile and cruel treatment that JANICE O'NEAL endured a year ago on this board over the COTY!!!
We all read through days and days of personal assaults on her... all perpetrated by the same person who led the assault on Archie last year.
Janice and Archie have FORGOTTEN more about chipping than Chuck could ever hope to know. IMHO, he's not qualified enough to dust off the BINDERS that Janice and Archie keep their chips in.
I don't where or when "Public Flogging" became the topic... but since YOU chose to use the term, I can run with it...
You asked how long a 'public flogging' should go on? My answer.... until an apology is given to ALL concerned AND the behavior permanently STOPS.
You also said the 'flogging' has been one sided. My answer... that's GENERALLY how floggings work! The offender gets flogged....not the victims.
And WHERE were your concerns when ARCHIE, JANICE, and RENE were are the RECEIVING END of the one-sided 'floggings'???? HUH?!?!?!?
I've sat quiet for a year and a half and watched the "nice & polite" people on this board let him say any foul thing he wanted about others... No one seiously challenged him.
Today was MY day to REMIND folks, both old and new to this board, that this recent incident with Rene was NOT an accident or misunderstanding.
It was NOT an 'accident'.
It was NOT a 'misunderstanding'.
It was NOT 'blown out of proportion'.
IT was part of a reoccuring PATTERN !!!!!
Happy Chipping,
Steve in Albuquerque