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The Chip Board Archive 03

Fiesta Convention Chip

The Fiesta has released a free chip for each of the last 2 conventions. We always felt they were nice but we are also aware, they would probably never go up much in value. This year the CC>CC has authorized the use of the club logo for the 1st time on a chip outside of the convention casino.
The scanned $1 chip is one result of this decision.
LTD 2000
25 of the chips were numbered and along with 25 others were donated to the club to be awarded in plaques to the chippers that donated their time to make the convention better for all of us.
The remaining 1950 will be released at 10 AM on Wednesday July 19.
Limited to 1 per chipper.

Messages In This Thread

Fiesta Convention Chip
Re: Fiesta Convention Chip
Re: Fiesta Convention Chip
Thank you Gene!!
Re: Thank you Wayne
Thanks Gene...
Fantastic Gene!
Re: Thank you Gene!!
Re: Thank you Gene!!
Re: Thank you Gene!!
Re: Fiesta Convention Chip
How can I sign up for one?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg