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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: HRH 'Cure', settling for less

Although we could 'settle' for the $5.00 HRH chip, it would still leave a hole in our collection, as we collected all of their (Hard Rock)chips. Even if the graphics are 'close' to the same, the chip is still not the same! This chip isn't the only reason we decided to stop collecting, it just helped contribute.

As for 'energy wasted worrying' none was spent, trust me. All of my energy is spent watching the grandkids!

Off the soapbox and no longer preaching............AMEN! Jeff

Messages In This Thread

HRH 'Cure', anything but!
Re: HRH 'Cure', settle for the $5.00 chip
Perfectly Said
Re: HRH 'Cure', settle for the $5.00 chip
Re: HRH 'Cure', settling for less
Re: HRH 'Cure', settling for less
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Yes they do Andy ......
Re: Yes they do Andy ......
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Andy: Did you get a good price?......

Copyright 2022 David Spragg