Hi Rene,
You made some excellent points....I can't argue with anything you
My original post may have sounded like I was bashing the chip
dealers....that wasn't my intention at all....if it sounded like
that, then I'd like to apologize.
You are absolutely right about the number of LEs that are in
circulation vs. the number of obsoletes....it is difficult to
know the exact number of an obsolete chip....
I also agree that LEs are popular among the chip collectors...
My post was mainly to vent my feelings about how HR issues their
$25 chips....
I don't condemn those that have it to sell it for whatever they
want....it just seems really inflated to me...but if that is what
the market is...then so beit.....I just couldn't sell a new chip
for that amount....if I had to make a special trip to the HR to get
that chip, then I would probably charge a little more than face value
for it....the reason being that I live in Sacramento so it would be
costly to make a special trip.....if I was already there and just
lucked out on timing...then I'd sell it for face value....but that
is just me...I'm not saying others are wrong to sell for whatever
they want.
I just think it's a bad situation overall....
Thanks Rene, for posting your thoughts.....