Just got this offer through email from the Tropicana - maybe there are some rooms left for those still trying to book since I had read an earlier email saying all club rooms were gone. Just thought I'd pass it on. Rose
Where Las Vegas Begins
**** Book now! Offer expires June 29, 2000 ****
$55.00 + tax
Per Room Per Night Sunday-Thursday
Based On Double Occupancy (Select weekends starting at $95+tax per night)
Special rates available
Come to Las Vegas to PLAY & STAY at the Tropicana Resort & Casino
Offer valid for dates listed below.
June 29,30, July 18-22, 23-26*, 30-31 and August 1-3,6-15, and August 20-24, September 4-7*
*Even lower rates available for these dates
Book your room with our On-Line Room Reservations Form
(Please allow 72 hours for confirmation)
Or call Room Reservations directly at 1-888-826-TROP (8767)