Bob, Plaques were very common in the Caribbean...especially Aruba, where the Crystal Casino and Concord Casino had plaques, too. Some casinos in Cuba, Puerto Rico; on Hispañola and some of the French West Indies casinos used plaques. Actual size color plates of the Crystal Casino material is found on page-40 of Ralph Pollack's work: "Casino Chips & Token of the Dutch Caribbean" where they are as low as $25 with the $1000 plaque being a full 125x90mm.
There is so much knowledge being shared today by those who really love what they do within our hobby. Sometimes I'm saddened to see that so many collectors do not open these books, and do not think twice to ask questions where the answers are so easilly found. Even with the use of this bb, I find that some people do not utilize it to the fullest. I sometimes see the same questions regarding chip ID, location and values asked over and over where a simple printout of educational postings...or searching the bb archive would yield such answers. A very wise man once said: "It's not knowing the answers to questions that's important...but knowing where to find those answers is."
Anybody know where Coonies Paramount..... <g>